Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl XLIII

As the AFS winter camp came to its ends, Kyle Shriver and I had decided to watched football's game of the year together. It was a late night for us. Kick off, though early for America, didn't occur until 12.30 in Denmark. The game concluded at 4.15 with a spectacular win by the Steelers. Much can be acredited to Ben Roethlisberger, who I heard much of that night due to the fact that he bought Kyle a PS2 five (or however long) years ago. Unfortunately this wasn't Polamalu's game. Most dissapointing though, was the lack of American commercials. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of commercial breaks, but only about 5 constantly repeating Danish commercials ran. Half-time also lacked especially seeing as I slept through it.

As you would imagine, school wasn't a priority for me especially seeing as I was 30 min south of my home, where Kyle lives. It was worth it though. Our day didn't begin until noon and was begun with a long walk to Vejen, where the train station is.

People are fish and air is water. Swimming up stream:
difficult. Walking upwind: impossible.

Odd thoughts, thoes are, but completely fitting to the walk we walked. I don't ever think has there been a time that wind has been that cruel to me. It was strong and constant and chilling to the bones. My body spent the entire train ride home warming up. I'm just glad I didn't have to walk that hour home like Kyle. Hopefully you didn't loose any fingers to frostbite in the endeavor, Kyle.

*spelling errors, I know. Just pretend they were right and move on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you took time to watch the game! American traditions are hard to break!!!