Thursday, August 21, 2008

Comercials and Taxes

We all know them, and we all hate them - comercials and taxes. They say that there are two things that you have to do in life and that's die and pay your taxes, but I really think that there are actually three; die, pay your taxes, and watch comercials. In fact there is only one time during the entire year that I can think of that includes the word like and comercial; the super bowl!! We've all experienced the hour program that turns out to be 30 minutes worth of program and 30 mintues of repetative comercials telling us to buy their car and visit their store. And no matter how old or young you are chances are damn good that you've paid taxes. So wouldn't it be nice to not have to watch comericals or pay your taxes? I think so. Well, I've found the world of no comericals, but when you find the tax free land you better let me know because I, along with the rest of the world, is still searching for it.

So, what, you may be thinking, does comercials and taxes have anything to do with each other. Well, I'll tell you. If you live in Denmark and pay danish taxes, then you don't have to watch comercials. Think I'm joking, well I'm not. As you have all heard, taxes are very high in Denmark, and other Scandinavian countries in general and that's completely true. Here everything and anything that is taxable is and they aren't just a few percent here and there, they are high. There is a media tax here which allows for one channel, DR1, to be completely commerical free and another channel, TV2, to have all the commercials at the end of the program. It's one of thoes things that I noticed just a few days ago, but am loving it. When there are commericals they are actually pretty funny beer commericals.

So... about that tax free world. I've found where it is not. Here in Denmark their taxes are 60%. I haven't really had to pay taxes besides on the items I purchase so my ability to gage how high or low this is, is non existint. Here, you don't have a subtotal then a tax added total. All the prices is what you pay, but the tax has already been included. This is because different things have a different percent tax. Like, for instance, junk food. There is a higher tax on junk food, like chips and candy, because it isn't healthy for you. Consequently, people here at school eat things like apples and bananas, and peaches rather than bags of chips and cookies. They really don't notice it either, to them it is just a healthy habit to get use to.

I think for now Americans will deal with the comercials because I'm pretty sure that we couldn't handle over 100% taxes on a new car, extra taxes on the unhealthy food, and 100 dollar pairs of pants. I just don't see it happening any time soon.

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