Friday, January 9, 2009

København - The Capital

(City Hall)

Copenhagen, or København in danish, is a fantastic city. It reaks of old Denmark and Europe in General. The city's existance dates back to the 11th century, but it wasn't until the 15th that it became the capital of little Denmark.

I have been there twice and have yet to be able to qualify myself as having seen Copenhagen. On the trip that Saai and I took to Tivoli, we decided to venture a little into the longest walking street in Europe, Strøget. It was amazing.

Strøget was amazing and I've only seen maybe a third of it. Building climb to the sky all around you that open into large spacious plazas every now and then. All brand names have their largest stores here. Though our goal wasn't shopping, we did pop into a few stores. I think at one point I was lost in the H&M (big name brand in clothing) there. My favorite part of it all though, was seeing all of the chirstmas decorations up. Every couple meters strings of garlin was strung from one side to the other with a heart right in the middle. I've found that the heart is important to Denmark though I have yet to find out why. There are even hearts on their coins.

I look forward to yet another up-coming opprotunity to see more of this fabulous city.

(H.C. Anderson looking over at Tivoli)

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