Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You Know Your an Exchange Student When...

We exchange students love this phrase. It can be made into a game or make a super entertaining post. So here it goes...

  1. know cities by the places that offer the cheapest food
  2. can navigate the bus and train systems like the back of your hand
  3. don't think its odd that you and/or others take more than 2 modes of transportation to school (I take three)
  4. can count to at least ten in two other languages not spoken in you host country (my latest and greatest is Thai which I can count in up to 100)
  5. can buy a KitKat Crunch bar, two bags of M&Ms and two caramel filled chocolate bars for just 20 kr. or 4 USD (that's freaking awesome)
  6. ...your flat iron (for hair) doubles as an iron for you pants
  7. ...walking around with a camera attached to your wrist is no longer the touristy thing to do
  8. ...take out sounds funny because now you say take away
  9. ...your spelling, which was originally crappy, has completely gone down the drain becuase now you mix and match spellings and string unrelated words together
  10. ...your now horrible spelling and writing is completely readable to you and other exchange students (how this happens I'm not sure)
  11. enjoy 20km (12 mile) bike rides
  12. can shit, shower, and shave in 5 minutes flat (a seriously impressive feat when your a girl with long, thick hair)
  13. ...the only time you think your singing is good is after you've had a few beers with friends (especially true for exchange students to Denmark)
  14. can honestly say that you have friends in 7 or more countries around the world
  15. ...facebook becomes a way of life
  16. can talk to other exchange students for hours upon hours and have no idea what your talked about the next day
  17. ...drawing on your paper and taking cat naps is the best way to pass class time
  18. don't understand a think that is said in English class (serious, my teacher teaches in danish)
  19. no longer bothers you to hear your name in a conversation that you can't understand

That's all that I can think of for now. This is post number three all in one day. I'm on a roll! Or, it could just be the KitKat Crunch bar, two bags or M&Ms, and two caramel filled chocolate bars I had.... The world may never know.

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