Day two was cool. Actually it was great except for the fact that I came home a lobster (burned to a crisp), which is pretty disappointing because I was enjoying being pale with no weird tan lines. Now it looks like I'm wearing a white tank-top over my red skin.... ouch.

The highlights for day two where Franz Ferdinand (a scotish band) and Nephew (a danish rock band). Saai told me that they played Franz Ferdinand on the radio a lot and that I would recognize them; I didn't, but we were right up front jumping around, swinging our arms and yelling our lungs out with all of the fans (she was actually a fan, I had never heard them before) and it turns out that they are pretty good and I liked them. (picture down below) Nephew is a very popular Danish rock band who, well, rocked. We didn't stay for all of their performance (they started playing at 00.30), but we stayed for the song that I wanted to hear by them, Igen og Igen og. Their performance was stellar, seriously.
Another highlight was the colouring of Saai's hair. She has black hair so coming up with a colour that would shown was difficult, but we choose red coloured hair spray and of course I wasn't sober for that adventure. We took video with her camera. I'll have to try to upload that eventually so you can see that adventure....
Now add hair dresser to your vocational interests? Looks like u women had a jelling good time. Thank for the photos!
Aunt Denise!
Hi Jen!
Jelling er noget af det bedste, og dine billeder derfra er virkelig gode! Det er dejligt at høre, at du har hørt Nephew og Franz Ferdinand, men hvad med The Blue Van, The Wong Boys, Tina Dickow, Camille Jones og så videre? Dem må du høre næste gang (:
Masser af kram fra Hanne!
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